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Contact Us

We are happy to hear from you.

How can I provide feedback on OneBusAway information or the Onebusaway For Puget Sound website?

We appreciate the feedback. If you have concerns or comments about realtime or schedule information in the Puget Sound on OneBusAway, please send us an email:  For schedule information issues from OBA, please include the route number, date and time of your issue as well as the agency (such as King County Metro, Community Transit, Pierce Transit, etc.).

How can I provide feedback on my experience with a Onebusaway app?

If you have a question or concern about how the application works on your mobile device, please contact the developer directly. Links to the app store pages for Onebusaway apps is available from the Onebusaway Project site.

I am interested in  implementing, improving, or accessing data from OneBusAway, where can I learn more?

Check the Developers page for more information

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