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June 2024
September 2024

Click on a calendar entry to see the schedule for that day.

Days with the same schedule are grouped by color.

Schedule for July 28, 2024. For real-time arrival info, click_here.

Jump to route: 245, 255

245 - Factoria Crossroads
AM6: 57
7: 57
8: 57
9: 57
10: 2657
11: 2757
PM12: 2757
1: 2757
2: 2757
3: 2757
4: 2757
5: 2757
6: 2757
7: 57
8: 57
9: 57
10: 57
255 - University District
AM5: 35
6: 1146
7: 204156
8: 11264055
9: 10254055
10: 103050
11: 103050
PM12: 103050
1: 103050
2: 103050
3: 103045
4: 00153045
5: 00153045
6: 00153045
7: 00153151
8: 113151
9: 123252
10: 2253
11: 23
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