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Click on a calendar entry to see the schedule for that day.

Days with the same schedule are grouped by color.

Schedule for June 22, 2024. For real-time arrival info, click_here.

Jump to route: 5, 21, 24, 28, 40, 124, 131, 132

5 - Shoreline Greenwood
AM4: 09
6: 0939
7: 0939
8: 0940
9: 1141
10: 1141
11: 113253
PM12: 133353
1: 133353
2: 133353
3: 133353
4: 133353
5: 133353
6: 133353
7: 1333
8: 0246
9: 2454
10: 23
11: 0435
AM12: 21
21 - Downtown Seattle Via 35th Ave SW
PM8: 24
AM1: 05
24 - West Magnolia
AM5: 52
6: 2353
7: 2355
8: 2553
9: 2353
10: 2354
11: 2353
PM12: 2353
1: 2353
2: 2353
3: 2353
4: 2353
5: 2353
6: 2355
7: 56
8: 56
10: 0152
11: 52

To highlight specific trips, select:

  • Show all trips
  • Magnolia
28 - Carkeek Park
AM5: 54
6: 2454
7: 2454
8: 2454
9: 55
10: 55
11: 57
PM12: 57
1: 57
2: 57
3: 2757
4: 2757
5: 2757
6: 2655
7: 54
8: 54
9: 54
10: 54
11: 54
40 - Northgate Station Fremont
AM5: 45
6: 00153045
7: 00153045
8: 00153045
9: 00153045
10: 00153045
11: 00153045
PM12: 00153045
1: 00153045
2: 00153045
3: 00153045
4: 00153045
5: 00153045
6: 00153045
7: 0030
8: 0030
9: 0030
10: 0030
11: 0030
AM12: 0030
1: 00
2: 15
124 - Downtown Seattle Georgetown
PM7: 27
8: 26
9: 26
10: 24
11: 23
AM12: 41
2: 01
3: 12
131 - Downtown Seattle Highland Park
AM9: 25
10: 26
11: 26
PM12: 28
1: 28
2: 28
7: 27
8: 25
9: 25
10: 25
11: 25
132 - Downtown Seattle South Park
AM6: 40
7: 1040
8: 1040
9: 1041
10: 1141
11: 1242
PM12: 1242
1: 1242
2: 1343
3: 1343
4: 1343
5: 1343
6: 1343
7: 1341
8: 1140
9: 1040
10: 1040
11: 1040
AM12: 1040
1: 10
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