86 Southworth Shuttle
- Choose your direction:
- to to PO Ferry
- to to Southworth Ferry
86 to to PO Ferry
- Southworth Ferry Lot 
- Southworth Dr at Level Lloyd 
- Southworth Dr at Nokomis Rd 
- Southworth at Olympiad 
- Southworth at Cambridge 
- Southworth Across from Post Office 
- Southworth at Young Hill
- (Schedule Data)
- Southworth at Cornell 
- Southworth at Marjorie 
- Southworth at Anderson 
- Southworth at Banner 
- Southworth at Locker 
- Southworth at McGregor 
- Colchester at Southworth 
- Colchester at Yukon Harbor 
- Colchester at Haida 
- Colchester at Perelli 
- Colchester at Prichard 
- Colchester at Miracle Mile 
- Colchester at Puget 
- Colchester at Main (Post Office) 
- Madrone at Alaska 
- Madrone at Chester 
- Chester at California 
- California at Stanley 
- California at E Collins 
- California at Raintree 
- California at Van Buren 
- California at Polk 
- California at Fillmore 
- California at Cleveland 
- California at Legrand 
- Mile Hill at California 
- Mile Hill at Nebraska 
- Mile Hill at Woods 
- Mile Hill at Saddle Club 
- Mile Hill at Baby Doll 
- Mile Hill at Village Ln 
- Mile Hill at Fircrest 
- Mile Hill at Harrison 
- Mile Hill at Payseno 
- Mile Hill at Olney 
- Mile Hill at Roosevelt 
- Mile Hill at Retsil (PO Armory) 
- Mile Hill at Plisko 
- Bethel at Mile Hill 
- Bethel at Bay St 
- Bay at Rockwell (Comfort Inn) 
- Port Orchard Transit Center 
86 to to Southworth Ferry
- Port Orchard Transit Center 
- Bay at Rockwell (Comfort Inn) 
- Bethel at Kitsap Chiropractic 
- Bethel at the Mattress Store 
- Mile Hill at South Kitsap Mall 
- Mile Hill at PO Armory 
- Mile Hill at Roosevelt 
- Mile Hill at Jackson 
- Mile Hill at Harrison 
- Mile Hill at Fircrest 
- Mile Hill at Village Ln 
- Mile Hill at Baby Doll 
- Mile Hill at Saddle Club (Long Lake Rd) 
- Mile Hill at Woods 
- Mile Hill at Nebraska 
- Mile Hill at California 
- California at Legrand 
- California at Cleveland 
- California at Fillmore 
- California at Polk 
- California at Van Buren 
- California at Raintree 
- California at E Collins 
- California at Stanley 
- California at Chester 
- Chester at Madrone 
- Madrone at Alaska 
- Colchester at Main (Post Office) 
- Colchester at Puget 
- Colchester at Miracle Mile 
- Colchester at Prichard 
- Colchester at Perelli 
- Colchester at Haida 
- Colchester after Yukon Harbor Rd 
- Colchester at Southworth 
- Southworth at McGregor 
- Southworth at Locker 
- Southworth at Banner 
- Southworth at Anderson 
- Southworth at Marjorie 
- Southworth at Lasada 
- Southworth at Young Hill 
- Southworth at the Post Office 
- Southworth at Cambridge 
- Southworth at Olympiad 
- Southworth Dr at Nokomis Rd 
- Southworth Dr at Level Lloyd 
- Southworth Ferry Lot