Onebusaway for Puget Sound

Refresh (Updated 1:47:20 AM)

Bus Stop:

Kent Station Track 1

Service Alert Text Here

  • Elevator outage at Kent Station. The elevator serving the street (Track 2) and pedestrian bridge to Track 1 is out of service.

    To ride the Sounder from the pedestrian bridge:

    1. Return to the Kent Station parking garage.
    2. Take the elevator down to the street.
    3. Passengers can access track 1 from 1st Ave N.

    To Track 2:

    1. Follow the pedestrian walkway toward E Smith St.
    2. Cross E Smith St at the crosswalk.
    3. Follow the pedestrian walkway to track 2.

    Please use caution when crossing the tracks.

No scheduled service at this time for:

S Line